Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Moon Sings Her lullaby-children's story

Every night the moon comes out to sing her lullaby’s through the lands.

 She sings to the lambs in the tall grass, wishing them well to the farmer’s that pass a lending hand to the lambs at last... 

The moon sings in tune her infinite task. 

Next, the moon sings her lullaby’s to the great pines of the land.

Singing to the forest trees, the moon cannot forget about these that give the oxygen that we breathe, their scent forever lingering in the breeze...

And as the hour begins to grow late, she sings her song to the sea’s and the lakes of those who have retired under the waters which make, her reflections glow and her beauty innate...

And she sings...

Of course she must not forget the task, of singing her lullaby to those that pass the streets of those still up in mass, lingering together and avoiding the shadows in the light that she casts. 
She even sings in tune for those who are up still howling at the moon.

But for all the children of the land, alone she will not dare to stand and, asking the stars to join in tune for the song that you can understand:

"Dear children in the night sleep peacefully tonight, dream upon the stars which light tomorrow and your future, I will always keep you in sight."

And as the children continued to dream the morning sun began to gleam, over the hills and across the streams...
 For now it is time for the moon to dream.

"Goodnight," says the moon.  "I wish you well and will see you soon!"

-Nichole Bergstrand

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